GAMING NEWS: Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu / Eevee Details, AGDQ at Twitch Con, Pokemon Quest Cheat

What’s up, gamers!? Hope you’re having a Wonderful Wednesday! It’s Mark Emery, AKA TacoRemix, and this is what you missed yesterday in gaming news:

Pokemon Let’s Go! Pikachu / Eevee updates

Let’s talk about Pokemon Let’s Go! Pikachu and Eevee here for a second. I’ve been away for a little, working on the wizard of legend video, which did pretty well compared to these videos. I’ll try to sprinkle those in more, but ultimately I like doing gaming news, it’s a steady stream of content, and I don’t have to buy the latest and greatest game to keep up with trends. It gets expensive.


Enough about the digression, here’s all the new things you need to know about the upcoming pokemon game on Nintendo Switch!


The pokeball plus will take 3 hours to charge on a USB C cable, which by the way is my favorite cable to use! Can everything be on USB-C from now on? I can’t tell you how many times i’ve broken my USB micro.. Mini.. I get those two mixed up, but both of them need to be replaced with the USB C immediately, i’m so glad the pokeball plus will be having that port. It takes 3 hours to charge, No word on how long it will last, depends on the use. If you’re trekking this bad boy along with you all day, petting your pokeball, as it.. You know.. Yells at you.


The Pokeball will light up and move when you catch a pokemon, it’s supposed to simulate the way catching a pokemon would feel. That’ll be fun to see!


As far as the pokemon go, (HA! See what I did there? Pokemon go..) There will only be the original 151, Let me tell you, I am working my ass off to catch Mew right now in Pokemon Go, that’s my favorite Pokemon, and the only one I care about. I want to be running around with mew trailing behind me, like a super duo. Can I put sunglasses on my Mew? You think I give a shit about Eevee? Can eevee transform? NO! IT CAN’T! Will eevee learn wish so it can recover? PROBABLY NOT! Can Mew learn softboiled and roost? Yeah! Yeah it can! But! Turbo Taormino is getting Let’s Go Pikachu, so if Eevee and Pikachu have to fight, i’ll be hitting him with a sand attack trying to brace for all of the thunder waves that’s coming my way.


What other notes do I have here? So this game is based on Pokemon Yellow, you guys knew that already, if not, hey! You learned something new! Online play looks like it won’t be supported in terms of co op. You can still battle your friends online. I’m coming for ya, Justin!


As for Pokemon Go intigration, it looks like you can transfer pokemon from Pokemon Go to Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, but not transfer back. Which is fine, because i’m only picking up Pokemon Go again to get Mew to transfer over. Am I spoofing? Yeah, I am. I want Mew, and I work 16 hours a day and don’t have time to stroll around the block. I’m a fucking adult! Finally, back to the original 151 you’re also going to see some alolan pokemon in there, Pokemon Go is currently having the palm tree exeggutor going around, these guys are great, you catch a ton of them that are above 2000 CP and you can scatter them across gyms. It’s a good alternative to all the damn chanceys and blisseys that i’m seeing. They just… they just take so long to take down.


Lego is basically building AR ‘Sims’ for its playsets

For our next story, it looks like Lego is making an artificial reality game due out later this year! It combines real world lego buildings with digital ones. I’m reading this article from Engadget and they are comparing it to a Lego Sims. Plus Lego has things like Harry Potter, Batman, Sonic, Simpsons, all that, so you might be seeing digital springfields, arkham city, etcetera etcetera! Did you guys have legos as a kid? I couldn’t have legos, I had a bunch of brothers and sisters, well I could have legos, but they’d play with them, and lose them. I mean, it took the fun out of it you know? They would get into the legos, and you’d have pieces lost, and you know you have that one lego guy you really really like, and they lose that guy, and you FLIP OUT! Cuz you’re 10 years old and … hormones!


Anyway! The Sims, I mean the lego AR game is going to enable multiplayer games, so 3 other friends with their own phone or tablet can join in on session. You’ll also be able to do things like unlock vehicles as time goes on.


Pokemon Quest Glitch /Cheat Run away and Survive. Patience = Win

Speaking of Pokemon! It’s time for Taco’s Cheat Mix! This one is from Gamester 5001, for the game Pokemon Quest out for the switch right now. He shows you by taping on the run away button as much as you can, you can keep one pokemon alive while your other two pokemon wail on the level’s boss. Just like in the video’s title: Patience = Win. Follow the link below for more details, and give him a what’s up from me.


Team Sonic Racing hands-on — Kart racing fans are getting another lap

Next up here are some more details for Super Sonico Kart, Sonic Racing? Team Sonic Racing. You can pre-order the game for $40, hey not bad! You’ll have unique vehicle customization options, seems to be pretty standard in Kart racers, or at least should be standard. You can play solo or team up, and also race against each other.


Let’s talk about something that I haven’t seen in a Kart racer yet: Team Ultimate Power, which boosts other members of your team. This is next level, and I really want to see that in an esports environment, maybe not a Sonic racing game. Sonic has so much to do to repair their name. Sonic Mania was a good start. But their 3D games are still so buggy. They just need one REALLY good 3D sonic game. I Don’t care if everyone else is doing a large free roam RPG, it’s exactly what sonic needs, he doesn’t have to go fast, I know that’s the staple of that, but he can start slow, and with each chaos emerald he can go faster. People re-brand things all the time, take note from Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild, get a progression system similar to Skyrim or something, these formulas WORK. I know there’s like 100 of you maybe watching this. But what do you think? I’ll be talking with the few of you that comment down below, like I typically do. By the way, Mythical Knights asked where my gaming news videos were, right here buddy!


Games Done Quick Express Brings Speedrunning to TwitchCon 2018

Finally our LAST story of the day. Duuudes how exciting!! So to anyone attending TwitchCon 2018, which will be around the same time as E3, you’ll be able to see some of the top speed runners who typically do the Awesome Games Done Quick events do a quickie Marathon.


This article is from, I don’t know why they said quickie Marathon, they will be speed running all 3 days when Twitch Con is open. All proceeds, as per every AGDQ event, goes to charity, and all the charities in the charity plaza at Twitch Con, are getting the proceeds. All specific games are going to be announced at a later date, so stay tuned for that. Twitch Con is going to be happening at San Jose, CA from October 26 through 28. I live in San Jose, I need to be going to this!


And that’s it for today’s show! Question of the day: If you could speed run ONE game, what would it be? Be sure to leave a like on the video if you enjoyed the stories, it helps other people see this on their recommended feed when you do that so let’s do this! It’s a good thing when you get comments from random people that say “you deserve more subs” or “this needs more views” you guys can help out by click or tapping on that like button. Share this out too that’s like bonus you don’t need to, hitting like is like no effort. That’s it for today guys, I’m TacoRemix, make it a great day today, peace out!


GAMING NEWS: Finally! Super Mario Odyssey’s NEW jump rope glitch! StarCraft II Diablo II Mod

A Fan Project 4 years in the making to remake diablo II using the Starcraft II engine, A Rumor about the StarFox Grand Prix, A Breath of the Wild glitch to reset rune timers, The Super Mario Odyssey Jump Rope Glitch, and Data mined new mario outfits. What’s up, Gamers!? Hope you’re having a Terrific Tuesday! It’s Mark Emery AKA TacoRemix, and here’s What You Missed Yesterday In Gaming:

Fan Project To Remake Diablo II Using StarCraft II Is Now Playable
Our first story comes to us from Ethan Gach of Kotaku, This one is for StarCraft II fans and Diablo II fans alike! A Starcraft II mod, 4 years in the making, has players going again into the world of Diablo II. The Mod is called The Curse of Tristram: Destruction’s End, and it recreates the entirety of Diablo II’s story but in the Starcraft II Engine.

If you guys remember what Diablo II looked like, which was a hot mess, spoiler alert, the Starcraft II Mod makes everything look *MUAH* oh so pretty. Although, yeah you’re not going to be getting 4K graphics here, if you do a side by side comparison, the difference is pretty clear!

“The mod offers all seven of Diablo II’s character classes for you to start as and two new difficulty modes. “Heroic,” the first, adds stronger enemies and equipment, but also something called “world curses”—global events in the game that randomly deactivate certain abilities like health regeneration. The third one, “Mythic,” turns all bosses into super-powered versions and also adds “world events,” a mechanic Godbout plans to share more information about in the future.”

The mod was made by Etienne Godbout, searching for his name though I couldn’t find anything in the way of Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, but his Indiegogo page for The Curse Of Tristram is in the link below, although the funding page has closed. He raised just shy of $2000 of his, get this $6,666 goal. I love this dude already. It’s also worth noting, Starcraft II is now free to play. So is the mod, so do Godbout a favor and play the mod that took him 4 years. Keep in mind there’s still bugs he’s trying to fix, and it’s one guy who can fix it in his spare time. I wish I had more of a following brother, this is a good one.

Rumor: StarFox Grand Prix
Next up, do y’all like RUMORS?! I love me some rumors!! It looks like Retro Studios is making a StarFox racing game! StarFox: Grand Prix is going to be the name of the game, it’s a rumor from reddit user DasVergeben, and will have adventure mode akin to the game Diddy Kong Racing, but have the racing elements of F-Zero. Y’all remember Diddy Kong Racing? I lost my mind when I unlocked the space zone, keep in mind this was before the internet knew EVERYTHING about video games. I had to get my info from Tips and Tricks magazine. I found out how to unlock TT. It was glorious.

Taco’s Cheat Mix
And Now it’s time for Taco’s Cheat Mix! we have a glitch from Reddit User Paradox_Guardian, for Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild! This glitch is amazingly game breaking, and involves recharging your rune to do some pretty amazing feats, such as making cut down trees or doors that you’ve already stasis-launched in the air launch EVEN FURTHER!

Here’s how it works: by viewing a cutscene or picking up an item you’ve never seen before, it will effectively reset your rune counter. So somebody could, let’s say, drop a raddish on a door, burn it, put the door in stasis, launch the door, pick up the burned raddish, which is effectively a new item, which resets the counter, put the door in stasis again, go into the menu, watch a cutscene, put the door in stasis AGAIN, and effectively fly across the map.

I absolutely love the speedrunning community, they come up with the greatest stuff. By the way, this article was found on Kotaku, and is the second article by Heather Alexandra that i’ve seen, I feel like the articles get the attention and not the people writing them, so I thought I would give her a shoutout. Link to her twitter in the description, show some love, internet!

Super Mario Odyssey: Infinite Jump Ropes
Our Third Story, you know what? I found another Cheat on the internet, let’s just do this. In Super Mario Odyssey, they found another way to get to 9,999 jumps in the jump rope challenge, get out of town.

So this video footage is from DGR, which I’ve followed this guy for awhile, genuinely a great dude! DGR stands for Dan Good Repairs, which, ya know, fun fact, Now he does.. Speedruns I guess.. ANYWAY! On with the glitch! I know! I’m using his video, so you need to know about the guy, behind the video!
Alright the video starts out with him making the letters MA and R off to the side, set up just as he has it, you then need to run the scooter up to the ledge of the M, then throw cappy on top of the M afterwards. Run the M into the R for awhile, then capture the R, if done correctly you should be able to roam anywhere in New Donk City. Here’s where the fun part starts, use the R to head to the jump rope, and become regular Mario. You should now be racking up the jump count. Consider this your final chance to get a 9,999 score in Super Mario Odyssey, guys, if you wanted to do it before with the old trick, but couldn’t you have another shot.

The glitch was found by Twitter User Syrkl @kehzou, link in the description, if you want to know ANY super mario odyssey glitches, go to that guys profile, you’ll find about 5 just by staring into is beautiful beautiful… Is that a tunic?

Super Mario Odyssey: Data Mined Costumes
Finally, This is a nintendo filled episode! We have Data Mined costumes! And not the broodal costumes you guys might have heard about, these look like they’ll be releasing maybe once a month depending on the season, we have a Racing Helmet and Racing Outfit, A Conductor Wig and a Conductor Outfit, a Zombie Headwear and Zombie Outfit, a Santa Hat and Santa Outfit, finally we have an 8-bit Mario Cap

Something tells me, and this is just speculation on my part, the zombie outfit will release sometime in halloween, and the santa outfit will release sometime near christmas. The 8-bit Mario might appear at 2 times, Mario’s birthday, which, for those of you that don’t know, his birthday is on July 9, 1981. So we might be seeing this update drop on July 9th, we also might be seeing, depending on how things go, the costume coming out on new years. But I could see the 8 bit costume coming out in July, after that is August, so either the racing costume or conductor outfit, after that is September, which means one of the others is being released. After that is October, great for the zombie outfit, then November whatever nothing happens, then December, the Santa outfit. Again, that’s just speculation.

And that’s it for today’s show! If you guys enjoyed the content here be sure to tap on that like button! Ring the bell for notifications if you want to stay up to date with video game news and how-to’s, until next time, i’m TacoRemix, make it a great day today guys, peace out!

MapleStory 2 in beta! NES Classic to relaunch, this week’s new games! What You Missed In Gaming News

Good morning, Gamers! Hope you’re having a Marvelous Monday! It’s Mark Emery AKA TacoRemix, and here’s what you missed yesterday on the internet:

The NES Classic will get a re-issue on June 29
First up, for all of you who missed out getting the NES Classic Edition, you’ll get a second chance to obtain it on June 29th! Nintendo has also announced that the SNES Classic should also be around throughout the year.

This is going to be a great thing for you guys that want that nostalgia again, and couldn’t get the console when it sold out back in 2016. For those of you that just don’t care, there’s always the switch’s online service that you’ll be able to play the games online with your friends. (or just use an emulator).

Maplestory gets a mobile game and a 3D Sequel
Next up we have news about MAPLESTORY! Remember that awesome 2D game back in the 2000’s? Well the closed beta for the international version of MapleStory 2 started on May 9th! Links to sign up for their future beta windows are in the description below

MapleStory 2 looks like it focuses heavily on the voxel based art style, as well as housing around the world. Character customization also looks great, Here’s hoping they have a kick-ass combat system!

MapleStory also has a mobile version of their original game, as of right now there’s no official release date. The mobile game plays just like the original maplestory, except there’s now an auto option to complete quests and grind without all the tedious tapping. There’s still an option to do that if you so choose, with this, here’s hoping there isn’t too many micro transactions, and that they treat it like they did the original maplestory, with the only transactions being cosmetic or stat changes.

What You Missed in YouTube Gaming:
This segment is a little different than Taco’s Cheat Mix, with this i’m going to be sharing the top videos in YouTube gaming as of right now, or yesterday, whenever I wrote the script for this.

First up with have a new Game Theorists explaining to you just how deadly Mario’s Blue Shell is.

Next we have BCC Trolling killing Fortnite players with spray paint.

PewDiePie doing a super duper scary Try not to sleep challenge.

And finally we have Jack Septic Eye playing Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds!

Finally Videogame dunkey talking about Fortnite’s infinity gauntlet.

Links to all of these videos are in the description down below.

Monster Hunter Film goes into production
Our 3rd story, check this out, the Monster Hunter film is going into production!

Constantin Film’s “Monster Hunter,” the video game adaptation budgeted at around $60 million, will go into production starting in September, re-teaming Constantin with its “Resident Evil” star Milla Jovovich, director Paul W. S. Anderson and producer Jeremy Bolt.

Constantin will partner on “Monster Hunter” with “a big company” in Japan and another in China, both of whom will take equity in the project. These deals are “in the last stages of negotiation,” Moszkowicz added.
Beyond that, Constantin will finance “Monster Hunter” itself.

I’d imaging if you guys liked the resident evil film series then you’ll like this monster hunter movie coming out.

Games to be released this week:
For our final story, let’s look at some games being released this week!

We have Battle Chasers Nightwar – an RPG inspired by the classic console greats, featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by exploration of the world. It has things like Randomly generated dungeons with traps, puzzles, secrets and loot, and building your adventuring party by choosing 3 of 6 available heroes from the classic battle chasers comic series, not to mention a crafting system. Battle Chasers Nightwar is coming out Tuesday, May 15 and will cost $40

Next is Hitman: Definitive Edition – As agent 47, you will perform contract hits on powerful, high-profile targets in an intense spy-thriller story across a world of assassination.
HITMAN: Definitive Edition brings together all of the episodes and locations from HITMAN Season One, plus the Patient Zero bonus campaign and Game of the Year content. All of the Escalation Contracts, Featured Contracts and Challenge Packs are also included in the Definitive Edition! Hitman is coming out Tuesday, May 15 and will cost $60

Up Next is Hello Kitty Kruisers – Up to 4 Players can race and explore Sanrio’s themed levels
Play as Hello Kitty or your favorite Sanrio characters
Unlock outfits and more vehicles as you play
Hello Kitty Kruisers will come out Tuesday, May 15 and will cost $40

Finally, Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition – A new, ultimate version of the exhilarating action game set in the Zelda universe will include every map and mission, plus all 29 playable characters from both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of the game, along with all of the previous paid downloadable content. Play as Link, Zelda, Midna, Skull Kid and dozens more in action-packed battles at home or on the go. Additionally, the game includes new outfits for Link and Zelda based on the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game. Hyrule Warriors Definitive edition is coming out this friday, May 18 and will cost $60

And that’s it for today’s show! If you guys enjoyed the content here be sure to tap on that like button! Ring the bell for notifications if you want to stay up to date with video game news and how-to’s, until next time, i’m TacoRemix, make it a great day today guys, peace out!

“Should I Quit YouTube?” Keemstar thinks so! H3H3 and PewDiePie’s comments [YouTube Partner Program][Ep 1]

In this episode I ask if it is worth it to continue with YouTube now that YouTube’s new partner program is taking effect in the middle of Feburary 2018. For those of you that don’t know you now need 1000 subscribers coupled with 4,000 hours of watch time within the last year.